Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
An Alternative to HRT
Our hormones affect all areas of the body, from our brains to our hearts. So it is fair to say that balancing these hormones is vitally important if we are to maintain optimal health.
At Aeternum Aesthetics we use Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) to help correct hormonal imbalances and replenish the hormones that reduce as we get older. In doing so we can effectively enhance quality of life, slow down the ageing process and improve overall wellbeing.

What we treat with BHRT
At Aeternum Aesthetics we can treat a wide range of symptoms for both men and women.
Women’s Health
Women often don’t understand what is happening in their bodies at different stages in their lives. Perimenopause and menopause remain to be vastly misunderstood and often the lack of knowledge makes it much harder to receive both an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan thereafter. Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and guidance needed so that you can take control of your health. We offer expertise in:

Are you already on HRT but would like to add Testosterone to your treatment regime?

Men’s Health
Hormones are just as important for men as they are for women. Both men and women produce the same hormones, just in different amounts.
The male equivalent of menopause is referred to as Andropause. For many men approaching middle age, the reduction of hormone levels may lead to them starting to question their lives, jobs and even their relationships. We offer expertise in:
Bioidentical hormones are used in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) and have an identical chemical structure to the naturally occurring hormones which are produced in the body.
Bioidentical hormones can be of great benefit to patients who are experiencing a hormone imbalance and looking for treatment options. We are able to use BHRT to treat a wide range of hormone-related conditions. BHRT may also be used as an alternative for those patients who have tried synthetic hormone treatments, such as HRT, but experienced unwanted side effects as a result.
Bioidentical hormones can be an effective treatment choice for both men and women who are suffering symptoms of hormonal imbalance. BHRT can be used to treat a wide variety of hormonal imbalances from PMS to menopause in women and andropause in men.
Initially, you will have an in depth consultation with our Hormone Specialist Nurse so that we can gain all of the necessary information in relation to your medical history, symptoms, test results and so on. Any treatment thereafter will be tailored to you individually and your BHRT medication will be prescribed and formulated to your personal requirements. Your treatment plan will include ongoing monitoring and regular follow ups to ensure that we help you to achieve the best possible results.
The word ‘natural’ is used to refer to the structure of the hormone molecules, which are produced from natural plant sources (Mexican Yams). The chemical structure is 100% identical to the naturally occurring hormones produced by your own body.
As the hormone therapy received is tailored to you, the duration of any treatment will be specific to you and your needs. For some people symptoms may only be apparent or a few months whereas for others symptoms could last for years. We will provide treatment for as long as you have symptoms and for as long as it continues to improve your wellbeing.
You can start the process of considering BHRT as a treatment option by contacting us to arrange an initial consultation with our Hormone Specialist Nurse. Please click here to book online or give us a call on 01530 417 897.
What to expect when commencing treatment with BHRT
Your treatment plan will be completely bespoke to you as an individual but your patient journey with us will follow a specific route as detailed below.
BHRT Pricing
Our BHRT Consultation Service has been created to allow diagnosis and treatment planning in order to address hormonal health and imbalance in men and women.
We offer 2 types of Consultation:
- Initial Consultation – £150
- Follow Up Consultation – £120
To book one of these consultations please head over to our booking page – you’ll find these consultations under the BHRT section. Or you can call us on 01530 417 897.
Patient Initial Consultation
£150 (excluding blood tests and any other diagnostic tests needed)
45 minutes
An in-depth consultation with our Specialist Nurse to fully understand your medical history and presenting symptoms alongside a discussion in relation to how BHRT may help improve your hormone health and wellbeing.
*Please note that if you have not seen your Clinician for a period of 2 years or more, you will need to book this service as a full review of medical history, symptoms, etc will be required.
Full payment is required at the time of booking.
A blood test will be required prior to any BHRT prescription being raised. In some cases further diagnostic tests are also needed. All will be discussed and explained at your consultation.
Patient Follow Up Consultation
£120 (excluding prescriptions and any other diagnostic tests needed)
25 minutes
The Follow Up appointment allows us to discuss the results of any diagnostic tests performed following your initial consultation. Your Specialist Nurse will advise what medications are required as a result of those findings and a prescription will be raised.
Full payment is required at the time of booking.
Further tests are not usually needed at this stage.
Diagnostic Tests
In order to diagnose and gain a full picture of your health and hormones, your Clinician may ask that diagnostic tests are performed. The results of such tests are what determine your personalised treatment plan and BHRT prescription. Please note that all tests required are charged separately to your appointments.
Blood Tests
Female Hormone Profile – £195
Male Hormone Profile – £235
Thyroid Profile – £155 to £175
Blood tests can be performed at Aeternum Aesthetics. However, if you are not local to the clinic, and are being treated virtually, we can put you in touch with a Phlebotomy service near you.
Other Tests
Your Clinician may also advise other tests depending on your symptoms and medical history. We work with a number of trusted partners who are able to provide these tests where needed and you will be advised of these where necessary.
Repeat Prescription Service
Cost – £35.00
What does this entail?
This service is for existing patients only who have visited us for consultation within the last 12 months and who have an established treatment plan with no changes needed. You will be required to answer a short questionnaire based on your current treatment regime. Your Clinician will review your responses and assess your eligibility for a repeat prescription. If you are eligible, we will call you to take payment and a prescription will be raised so that you can order your treatment from Specialist Pharmacy.